Where does God like to hang out?

Genesis 3:8,


Where does God like to hang out?  Does he like to hang out up in Heaven?  Up in the clouds?  Or right there with you!


First lets review a couple of facts.  (Read 1 John 3:1 aloud together)

1) God loves you

2) We are His children


OK, now lets look at Genesis 3:8


8And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.  9But the LORD God called to the man and said to him, "Where are you?"


Is God calling down to Adam from Heaven?  No.  Here we see God walking in the garden and calling out to Adam to be with him.  God didn’t call down from Heaven but went down to walk and talk with Adam.


God never changes right? (look up Malachi 3:6, James 1:17)  So that means he still has the same desire with you as he did with Adam and Eve, He wants to come and hang out with us.  He wants to talk with us where “we” are, right here.


Now let’s look at Exodus 33:11


11 The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.


Here we see God speaking to Moses “as a man speaks with his friend”.  That’s an intimate conversation!  When you talk with a friend you tell them how you feel, you tell them your troubles, you tell them jokes, you tell them your fears.  The point is that you talk with them about everything in your life.  God is your father. You are his child that he loves dearly.  As his child he wants the same type of conversation and relationship He had with both Adam and Moses.  He wants you to talk with Him and tell Him all about your day and what your thinking.  He wants you to share your life with Him. 

Important Note:
Now friends not only talk with each other but we also listen to each other because we care about them and want to hear what they are feeling and thinking about – so Remember to stop talking and listen to what God has to say.  He wants to talk to you too!


When you’re out and about or when your praying, remember where God likes to be.  Right there with you.  When you’re out on a walk, you can talk with him and share your thoughts, your goals, your dreams, your fears, and even your day.  He’s there to talk and walk with you just like with Adam and Moses.


But what about if you been up to no good?  God still wants to talk to you about it and help you.  Remember! (Read both scriptures aloud together)

1) Romans 8:39 – That nothing separates us from God if we are in Christ Jesus

2) Hebrews 13:5 – God will never leave you or forsake you

So talk with God, share your day.  He’s right there with you.




Who Are We?

Where does God like to hang out?

If we’re bad does he still want to hang with us and talk?

Who does God like to be with?


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